Friday 30 September 2011

AOP Student Sue Rose

Bluebell Wood by Sue Rose

Sue was excited about using a new technique when she created this work, "Like a kid, I just wanted to explore and play". I always ask artists what is the story behind the work, why did they create it and Sue explained that just before her husband died, they had gone to Kildwick and her husband had taken some amazing pictures of the bluebell wood. The work took a couple of days to finish and was created in her kitchen, with lots of breaks and friends coming over to give their opinion.

Close up of the work, but this is a poor photograph of mine - and does not do justice to the work. Sorry Sue!

Sue was inspired since this work and has done a lot more textile and web fusion work. Which has since gone on display at Slattery's Patisserie in Manchester. Sue has also started to sell work already, which is impressive as she only finished the course in June!
Quirky Colne by Sue Rose

Sue talked to me for a few minutes about her inspirations; Beauty all around you, looking at things differently and that the industrial North can still be beautiful! I agree Sue and thanks so much for talking to us!

Ta Ra


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